Corporate Social Responsibility | CocomaxNews Cocomax shares kindness and passes on giving | cocomax
Cocomax shares kindness and passes on giving
Recently, executives and representatives of Asiatic Agro Industry Co., Ltd. joined in delivering Cocomax to the Ministry of Public Health to support the care of COVID-19 patients and to encourage medical personnel. Recently, executives and representatives of Asiatic Agro Industry Co., Ltd. joined in delivering Cocomax in the project "Cocomax Sharing and Passing on Giving" by donating Cocomax products to Dr. Kiattiphum Wongrachit, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Public Health, and some were also given to Busirakan Hospital. This donation comes with concern for health because Cocomax is 100% pure coconut water, rich in vitamins and minerals, and has a delicious, fragrant, and sweet taste. This is considered a way to share kindness and pass on giving with care for health.ก>